4:00 AM - Wake up to pee
5:30 AM - Wake up to greet my Mom.
6:30 AM - Whine to get my Mom to feed him.
6:31 AM - Eats breakfast
6:31 and 30 seconds AM - Finish Breakfast
7:00 AM - Nanny arrives. Barks loudly to greet nanny.
7:05 AM - Morning walk
7:20 AM - Comes back from morning walk
7:20 AM - Bullies Jonas
8:00 AM - Barks at me to let him back into the Bedroom
8:05 AM - Goes back in bed
8:10 AM - Goes back to sleep
12:00 PM - Wakes up and barks at my Mom for his afternoon Snack.
12:05 PM - Snack time
12:30 PM - Goes back to sleep
5:00 PM - Whines for dinner
5:01 PM - Mom feeds him dinner
5:01 and 30 seconds PM - Finishes Dinner
5:10 PM - Goes out for Pee-Mail
5:15 PM - Goes back to Bedroom
5:30 PM Goes back to Sleep